Property Valuations

How We Can Help You

Over the years our qualified and knowledgeable Valuers have worked for thousands of clients and multinational companies.

We dedicate a lot of time to fully informing our clients on the Valuation process, ensuring they are always in the loop.

If you have a Valuation inquiry, contact us now and one of our experienced Valuation Surveyors will be happy to assist you.

Our experienced and qualified team of Property Valuers undertake all forms of Valuations. Over the years our Surveying team has valued everything from a residential house to a commercial shopping centre.

Our Valuers are certified by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Chartered Institute of Building and are RICS Registered Valuers. This knowledge and experience ensure we are best placed to assist with your Property Valuation requirement.

Our reports and RICS and International Standards of Valuation (ISV) compliant and that RICS members are the only professional valuers in Spain approved to carry out this service by the UK courts.

Comparative Evidence

Comparable evidence is at the heart of all our valuations, it is the process of identifying similar properties to then compare and where applicable, apply to the subject property.

This approach ensures the valuer is able to arrive at a valuation of the subject property based of current market trends and figures.

You will often hear the phrase that Valuation is an Art, rather than a Science. The truth is a valuation is actually somewhere between an Art and a Science.

The Science

There is a science behind locating relevant comparable properties that lend themselves to the value of the subject property. Generally speaking the valuer will identify comparable properties and evidence based of the property:

Age and Style
Any Additions
(Property Extensions)
Transaction Date

That element of the valuation is the science and the fairly straightforward process of thorough research pre and post inspection. However, as there are no two properties that are alike, the art of the process now comes into play.

The Art

A good valuer will be able to look at how the subject property interacts with the comparable properties. In particular cross referencing against the property being valued to assess how the comparable evidence affects the value of that property.

There is unlikely to ever be a perfect combination of characteristics or attributes, therefore the valuer will often have to look at the value her or she attributes to the comparable evidence, respectively placing the subject property against it.

The end result will be a list of properties in a matrix format that confirm the valuers opinion of those that are higher value than the subject property, those that are lower and then usually those that are at the same valuation level.

The valuer will then have a confident and firm opinion of the property valuation.

Once this has been established, the next step will be to look at the overall Market trends at the current time, at the time the comparable property was sold as well as any overriding economic principals.

Once these have all been carefully considered, the valuer should have an accurate opinion of the property valuation and can then inform his or her client accordingly.

Property Valuation can often be a challenging task and fraught with lack of evidence, lack of market transparency, and inactive market or a rapidly changing market.

Over the years we are proud to have valued everything from a studio flat to a commercial retail estate. Our valuers have also valued properties throughout the UK and Spain which we believe underpins our knowledge and expertise.

If you would like to discuss your property valuation needs with team of valuers get in touch with us now.

Types of Valuation we offer


Here are ten of the most frequently asked questions by property sellers in Marbella and the Costa del Sol area

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    How much are the closing costs for selling a property in Costa del Sol?

    Sellers should budget for various fees including legal fees, agency commissions, and potential capital gains taxes.

    What taxes do I need to pay when selling property in Marbella?

    Sellers may need to pay capital gains tax and a plusvalia tax, which is based on the increase in land value.

    Who pays the real estate agent's fees?

    In Marbella and the Costa del Sol, it is customary for the seller to pay the real estate agent's commission.

    What legal steps are involved in selling a property?

    Key steps include securing a property valuation, ensuring all documentation is correct, and completing the transaction through a notary.

    How do I determine the value of my property?

    Property values can be determined by appraisals from licensed appraisers, comparing recent sales of similar properties, or consulting with real estate professionals.

    Is it necessary to use a lawyer when selling property?

    While not legally mandatory, it is highly advisable to use a lawyer to help navigate the complexities of property transactions in Spain.

    What documents do I need to sell my property?

    Required documents typically include the deed of the property, recent utility bills, proof of identity, and proof of tax payments.

    How long does it typically take to sell a property in Costa del Sol?

    The timeframe can vary widely, but properties in popular areas like Marbella may sell faster due to high demand.

    What can I do to make my property more attractive to buyers?

    Improving the property's appearance, making necessary repairs, and ensuring the property is well-presented can attract more buyers.

    Are there any restrictions or regulations specific to selling property in Marbella?

    Sellers should be aware of local regulations, especially those related to urban planning and coastal laws, which can impact the sale of property near the sea.
    These questions cover crucial aspects of selling property in Marbella and the Costa del Sol, ensuring that sellers are well-prepared for the process.:

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