Schedule of Condition

What is a Schedule of Condition?

A Schedule of Condition is a detailed record of the condition of a property, typically created before a lease or tenancy begins. It outlines any existing damage, defects, or issues with the property and can help protect both the landlord and tenant from disputes over who is responsible for repairs or maintenance during the lease or tenancy.

What does a schedule of condition report contain?

A Schedule of Condition report typically contains a detailed record of the condition of a property, including written descriptions and photographic evidence. It may include information on the condition of walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, fixtures, and fittings, as well as any existing damage, defects, or issues. The report is designed to provide an accurate and objective assessment of the property's condition at a specific point in time.

Why Schedule of Condition is Important?

A Schedule of Condition is important because it provides a detailed record of the condition of a property at a specific point in time. This information can be used to prevent disputes between landlords and tenants or contractors and clients, as it establishes a baseline for the property's condition before any work begins. Additionally, it can help ensure that any damage or defects that occur during a lease or construction project are properly attributed and addressed. Overall, a Schedule of Condition is a valuable tool for protecting the interests of all parties involved in property transactions or construction projects.

Schedule of Condition Report costs

we believe in providing transparent and fixed costs for all of our Schedule of Condition reports. Our pricing
covers the inspection, report, discussion, and recommendations, with no hidden extras. This means you can
have peace of mind that the quoted price is the final cost, allowing you to make an informed decision about
your property transaction without any unexpected expenses. Our commitment to transparency ensures that
you have a detailed record of the property's condition at the beginning of your tenancy or construction
project, providing protection and security for all parties involved.


Schedule of Condition Report Photographic


Schedule of Condition Report Written & Photographic


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Get a Schedule of Condition Quote

Connect with us today and receive a personalised quote in just 30 minutes! We pride ourselves on our quick and efficient service, ensuring you can secure a detailed Schedule of Condition report swiftly. Once you receive your quote, we will coordinate with you to arrange the inspection at a time that suits your schedule. Let us help you protect your property transaction or construction project with a thorough Schedule of Condition report. Get started by contacting us now!

Schedule of Condition for Residential

We believe a Schedule of Condition creates transparency in any tenancy, it allows both parties to ensure their
liabilities are factual, it can also identify potential issues prior to them arising.

Schedule of Condition for Tenants

  • Protect Your Security Deposit: A comprehensive Schedule of Condition documents the property's state at the start of your lease, helping you avoid disputes and ensuring a fair return of your security deposit when you move out.
  • Identify Necessary Repairs: By pinpointing pre-existing issues, a Schedule of Condition allows you to address necessary repairs with your landlord before they worsen, promoting a safe and comfortable living environment.
  • Strengthen Legal Protection: In case of disagreements or legal disputes, a detailed Schedule of Condition serves as crucial evidence to support your claims, safeguarding your rights as a tenant and fostering a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Schedule of Condition for Landlords

  • Secure Property Value: A thorough Schedule of Condition safeguards your investment by documenting the property's initial condition, ensuring tenants are held accountable for any damage and helping maintain the property's long-term value.
  • Streamlined Maintenance: Identifying necessary repairs through a Schedule of Condition enables proactive maintenance, preventing minor issues from escalating and reducing overall repair costs while preserving tenant satisfaction.
  • Mitigate Legal Risks: A detailed Schedule of Condition serves as essential evidence in potential disputes, protecting you from unjust claims, minimizing legal exposure, and promoting a transparent, mutually beneficial landlord-tenant relationship.
Do I Need a Schedule of Condition?

Looking to purchase or lease a property? It’s essential to get a Schedule of Condition report undertaken to
protect your investment and avoid any unpleasant surprises down the line. Here are three benefits of getting
a Schedule of Condition report that will give you peace of mind and save you money.

Identify pre-existing damage:

A Schedule of Condition report provides a comprehensive and detailed record of the condition of the property at the time of inspection. This report identifies any pre-existing damage or defects that may have gone unnoticed, such as cracks in walls, damp patches, or leaks in the roof. Knowing about these issues before committing to a lease or purchase can help you negotiate a better price and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Protect against dilapidations claims:

If you are leasing a property, the landlord may make a claim for dilapidations at the end of your tenancy, which can be costly. A Schedule of Condition report can provide a clear record of the condition of the property at the beginning of your lease, helping to protect you against exaggerated or false claims of damage by the landlord.

Peace of mind:

With a Schedule of Condition report, you can rest easy knowing that the property has been thoroughly inspected and any issues have been documented. This gives you the confidence to move forward with your investment, knowing that you have taken steps to protect yourself and your assets.

Schedule of Condition for Commercial Lease

We believe a Schedule of Condition creates transparency in any tenancy, it allows both parties to ensure their
liabilities are factual, it can also identify potential issues prior to them arising.

Residential Lease

  • Safeguard Business Investment: A comprehensive Schedule of Condition protects your business interests by recording the property's initial state, ensuring you're only responsible for damages caused during your tenancy and preserving your financial resources.
  • Optimize Workspace Functionality: Addressing pre-existing issues with a Schedule of Condition allows you to collaborate with the landlord to implement necessary repairs, ensuring an efficient and safe work environment for your employees and clients.
  • Bolster Legal Security: In the event of disagreements or commercial lease disputes, a detailed Schedule of Condition serves as vital evidence to support your position, reducing legal risks and fostering a transparent, mutually advantageous relationship with your landlord.

Commercial Lease

  • Preserve Asset Value: A meticulous Schedule of Condition helps you protect your property investment by establishing the initial condition, holding tenants accountable for damages sustained during their tenancy, and maintaining the property's long-term value.
  • Facilitate Efficient Maintenance: By identifying and addressing pre-existing issues through a Schedule of Condition, you can work together with your commercial tenant to ensure timely repairs, enhancing the property's appeal and promoting tenant satisfaction.
  • Minimize Legal Vulnerabilities: A detailed Schedule of Condition serves as critical evidence in case of disagreements or commercial lease disputes, shielding you from unwarranted claims, reducing legal risks, and fostering a transparent, mutually beneficial relationship with your tenant.

Typical Schedule of Condition Report Questions

Free Callback

    What is a property condition report?

    A property condition report documents the state of a property, identifying any existing defects or potential legal issues. It typically includes structural evaluations and assessments of repairs needed.

    Why is a property condition report important in Costa del Sol?

    Given the prevalence of unauthorised constructions in the region, these reports are crucial for identifying legal risks and ensuring the property complies with local regulations.

    What does a property condition report cover?

    It covers structural integrity, state of repair, and checks for unauthorised extensions or modifications. It often includes photographs and detailed descriptions of areas needing attention.

    How long does it take to receive a property condition report?

    The process can be quite swift, with inspections scheduled soon after initial contact and the report delivered within a few days post-inspection.

    Can a property condition report affect the property's price?

    Yes, a thorough report can be instrumental in negotiating price reductions if significant issues are discovered.

    What qualifications should a surveyor have for conducting these reports in Costa del Sol?

    Surveyors should be professionally accredited, such as being members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), ensuring they meet high standards of expertise and ethical conduct.

    What specific issues are common in Costa del Sol properties?

    Issues like dampness, structural wear due to the coastal climate, and unauthorised constructions are common findings in these reports.

    Are there any health and safety concerns highlighted in these reports?

    Yes, reports often highlight health and safety risks, including unguarded swimming pools and potential fall hazards.

    What should I do if the report reveals problems?

    Discuss the findings with your surveyor to understand the implications and potentially negotiate repair responsibilities or price adjustments with the seller.

    How can I ensure the property meets legal standards after purchasing?

    Follow up on any legal advisories mentioned in the report, such as obtaining necessary permits or rectifying unauthorised extensions, to ensure compliance and avoid future liabilities.

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